Middle East concerns and Greece’s stance

In his introduction to the cabinet, Mitsotakis expressed his worries over the developments in the Middle East, particularly in Lebanon. He emphasised Greece’s commitment to de-escalation, stating, “Our first pursuit is de-escalation. Greece maintains a foreign policy grounded in principles, engages with all sides, and acts as a pillar of stability in the wider region.” He highlighted Greece’s role in promoting peace, calling on all involved parties to work towards de-escalation before the conflict in Lebanon broadens.

Addressing youth crime: tougher penalties and SafeYouth

Shifting focus to the domestic issue of “juvenile delinquency,” Mitsotakis announced stricter penalties for parents and tougher measures to address youth crime. He acknowledged the rise in youth crime, particularly since the reopening of schools, and highlighted the government’s response to this issue through legislative changes.

The Prime Minister reiterated that the new Penal Code now includes stricter treatment of gun possession, especially among young people, and the imprisonment of repeat offenders. He also announced an end to the previous leniency shown to those who returned stolen goods, which had been exploited by some to continue their criminal activities. “It was a favourable measure that some took advantage of to continue their action. It will now be a simple mitigation,” Mitsotakis stated.

Mitsotakis emphasised that addressing delinquency is a complex issue that begins with families, noting, “The state cannot replace families as the basic core of raising children, but we have the ability to toughen penalties, even for cases of neglect of minors.” He announced plans to further tighten penalties for such offences.

Social media and digital bullying concerns

Mitsotakis expressed his concern about the influence of social media, highlighting how bullying has taken on a digital dimension. “We are facing a global crisis, and I take for granted that there will be a need for regulatory intervention to tackle this problem at its root,” he stated, adding that until comprehensive regulations are in place, “we have an obligation to protect our children.”

He cited the success of the “Stopbullying” initiative, noting that it had “created safety” and allowed students to report incidents effectively within the school environment.

The launch of the SafeYouth platform

In order to combat youth crime, Mitsotakis announced the SafeYouth platform, which he described as a “major new initiative.” The platform, designed to be an accessible tool for teenagers, will allow them to alert the police if they feel their safety is at risk outside the school environment. “I don’t want to call it the panic button, but it will be known as SafeYouth so that teenagers can automatically reach out to the police if they feel their physical integrity is being threatened,” he said.


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