During the meeting, Mitsotakis expressed his “satisfaction with the cooperation with the Turkish authorities in the fight against irregular immigration”. Both leaders acknowledged the mutual benefit of maintaining a calm climate in bilateral relations and agreed to “intensify cooperation to achieve the goal of doubling the volume of bilateral trade”. They also discussed their upcoming meeting in September, scheduled to take place in New York on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly.

In a statement from the Turkish presidency’s Directorate of Communication, it was noted that bilateral relations, as well as regional and global issues, were discussed. President Erdoğan highlighted Turkey’s continued efforts to foster a spirit of solidarity with Greece based on the principle of good neighbourliness, and expressed a commitment to strengthening these efforts.

Erdoğan also remarked on the necessity of increasing positive efforts to end conflicts in Ukraine and Palestine, stating that it would be beneficial for all countries in the region to work towards achieving peace in these areas.


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