Mitsotakis highlighted the European leaders’ stance on the matter, noting that such actions not only contravene the agreement but also jeopardise North Macedonia’s future. Both Ursula von der Leyen, President of the European Commission, and Charles Michel, President of the European Council, have already expressed their concerns.

“The provocative choice of the new President of North Macedonia to violate the official text of her oath and refer to her country by a different name is not only illegal and impermissible but also undermines the future of its state,” stated Mitsotakis. He also reminded that while his party, New Democracy, opposed the 2019 Agreement, they have respected the Greek signature on this international treaty since coming to power.

The PM’s post reiterated Greece’s rejection of any manipulations that veer from the agreed norms and expectations established by the Prespa Agreement. He called on President Silianovska to adhere strictly to her legal duties and the behaviours expected from her role.

Mitsotakis firmly stated, “We categorically will not accept such deviations. Progress in bilateral relations, as well as Skopje’s steps towards European integration, depend entirely on the sincere observance of the agreements, the correct use of the constitutional name of the neighbouring country, and avoiding any provocations.”


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