Greece has made great effort and pushed significant reforms, said Moscovici, which should recreate a sense of trust and stability. He also expressed his confidence that the burden of Greek debt will be reduced.
Je suis confiant que la charge de la dette grecque va baisser. Nous sommes sur le bon chemin avec la #Grèce #le79Inter @franceinter
— Pierre Moscovici (@pierremoscovici) May 26, 2016
Commenting on banking secrecy, the Commissioner said it is over as Europe is taking giant steps for a better fiscal system. He said the European Union is battling tax evasion and supporting transparency.
Le secret bancaire en #Europe, c'est fini! Nous faisons des pas de géant pour une meilleure #fiscalité #le79Inter
— Pierre Moscovici (@pierremoscovici) May 26, 2016