Giorgos Karaivaz, a widely respected police reporter, was brutally murdered on April 9, 2021, just outside his home in Alimos. Two individuals, who were arrested almost a year ago and accused of participating in this heinous crime, continue to vehemently deny all charges against them.

The murder of Karaivaz has garnered significant international attention. Organisations such as Reporters Without Borders, the International Press Institute, and the Association of Athens Daily Newspaper Editors (ESHEA) have been vocal in urging authorities to conduct a thorough and transparent investigation into the journalist’s assassination.

Amidst these calls for justice, the family’s lawyer, Antonis Xylourgidis, has revealed that he has been receiving threatening messages. In an interview with ANT1, Xylourgidis condemned the state’s classification of Karaivaz’s murder as a “work accident”, calling it a disgrace to the journalist’s memory. He expressed deep frustration that while two alleged perpetrators will face court, the masterminds behind the assassination remain unidentified.

In the below podcast episode, we engaged in conversations with a diverse group deeply connected to the case and its broader implications.

We spoke with Statha Alexandropoulou Karaivaz, the widow of the murdered journalist, providing a personal and poignant perspective on the tragedy.

Panos Sombolos, one of the most seasoned police reporters, offered insights from his extensive experience in covering crime and justice.

Journalist Babis Polychroniadis, who was present at the Greek Mafia trial, shared observations from the courtroom that contextualise the dangers journalists face.

Pavol Szalai, the head of Reporters Without Borders in the European Union and the Balkans, provided an international viewpoint on press freedom and safety.

MEP Costas Arvanitis and Maria Antoniadou, president of the Journalists’ Union of the Athens Daily Newspapers (ESIEA), contributed their perspectives on the legislative and professional dimensions of the issue, respectively.


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