Mr. Androulakis observed that a large portion of the public feels abandoned by the political system, leading them to disengage. “As a young politician, I will in no way accept such a very negative development. I will fight for politics to excite, provide solutions, and captivate, rather than cause disillusionment, disgust, or further impasses,” asserted the president of PASOK.

He further commented on the significant shift to the extreme right and irrationality, which should be a cause for concern, especially for the government. Androulakis accused the government of nurturing these trends by systematically undermining the rule of law, respect for human rights, and trust in justice.

Nikos Androulakis underlined that New Democracy suffered “a heavy defeat, losing 14 points from the national elections threshold and 5 points from the European elections.” He attributed this to the government’s disregard for significant social issues such as the housing crisis, the National Health System, and the cost of living. “Arrogance, indecency, and corruption were punished,” he stated.

“It is our duty to continue with dynamism the serious, reliable opposition to finally open the way for progressive governance,” noted Androulakis. He pledged to take all necessary political initiatives for dialogue with the creative and genuinely progressive forces of society. “Our priority is to formulate an alternative proposal for the governance of the country before the next national elections,” he said. Androulakis emphasised that PASOK aims to consistently fight a political battle of ideas, positions, and programmatic solutions, keeping politics at the centre and steering clear of trivialisation, discredit, and toxicity.

“In the third election in a row within a year, we steadily increased our percentages – much higher than the 2019 European elections. Positively, we finally broke the blue dominance on the map, ‘greening’ two prefectures of Crete after 12 years. We are also the second power in 19 prefectures of the country. Our faction was reconstituted with the voters of the Centre, where we emerged as the first party,” he continued.

Androulakis noted a significant asymmetry between the provinces and Athens, which must be immediately addressed both organisationally and politically. “The democratic faction and PASOK have been genuinely and directly connected with the anxieties of the majority of the Greek people, uniting the citizens under a national plan of great reforms and significant changes, above all creating the conditions for social justice, development, and prosperity for everyone. This is our legacy. This is the great endowment of the faction. And this will be the real compass of all the initiatives and all the moves we will take immediately and in the future,” he concluded.

In his conversation with journalists, Androulakis emphasised, “PASOK is building and building correctly, steadily, and I believe that we will play the role we want to play.”


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