In light of the accident, the Panhellenic Union of Merchant Marine Engineers (PEMEN) issued a statement condemning the hazardous working conditions that persist in the maritime industry. The union criticised the disregard for worker safety, attributing it to the prioritization of profit over the well-being of workers. “The lives of seafarers, and workers in general, are seen as a cost to capital, with their safety and risk prevention considered incompatible with the pursuit of profit. Historically, seafarers have paid a heavy blood tax at the altar of shipowners’ profitability,” the statement noted.

PEMEN has called for seafarers to unite and take comprehensive action against what it describes as “galley-like working conditions” and the policies of profitability and competitiveness fostered by monopolistic groups. These policies, according to the union, often result in worker injuries, disabilities, and fatalities.


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