This is not the same for SYRIZA as he has lost almost all of his anti-memorandum members and has been left with a “clean slate”. A.Tsipras has to make many choices and, apart from trying to keep everyone happy he has to make decisions that will affect the very character of the “new” SYRIZA.
LAE, the party that was formed by those MP's who left SYRIZA when they denied to support the third memorandum between Greece and its creditors will obviously keep all those MP's. At the same time, a small influx of leftist parties has strengthen the party, offering support as well as social infrastructure which will be helpful in the party's attempt to speak to people in a more informal way.
Since everybody believes that these elections will not give absolute majority to any party, smaller parties will also have a place in the future government. For that reason the leaders of those parties are eager to secure some seats in the next parliament.