Banks are to be returned to private shareholders; Andreas Papandreou is linked to the Hellenic Postbank scandal; fears increase over a new terrorist strike in greece; new details of the arms procurement scandals implicate Intracom and Sokratis Kokkalis; and lawyers demand a referendum in greece over German war reparations.

ETHNOS – Sunday

Banks returning to private hands

It is expected that the systemic banks will be returned to private shareholders with the passage of a measure for the recapitalisation of the banks that is to be put before parliament soon. The government’s financial committee hopes that the plan’s implementation will boost the economy by beginning a new period of financing.

REAL NEWS – Sunday

What a coincidence…

How Kyriakos Griveas and Andreas Papandreou are linked

[Andreas Papandreou is the brother of former PM George Papandreou.
Kyriakos Griveas is a businessman who received loans worth 17 million from Hellenic Postbank with no collateral]

Their cooperation over the organisation of conferences for ‘green development’’ funded by Hellenic Postbank.
Andreas’s NGO and three companies controlled by Griveas all had as business addresses the same law firm in Switzerland.
The participation of former Costa Rican President Figueres in Papandreou’s NGO and on the board of IJ Partners which made millions from Hellenic Postbank CDS’s.
The leasing of a Thessaloniki property owned by a relative of Papandreou by Hellenic Postbank.




[Arms procurement scandal] Offsets with a name

Akis Tsochatzopoulos and the Germans insisted programs went to Intracom. [Intracom, one of the leading greek companies is owned by magnate Sokratis Kokkalis.]

Findings of the Financial and Economic Crime Unit (SDOE) are revealing about the company that doled out bribes.

The infamous German company HDW, which is at the center of criminal investigations, didn’t only dole out huge bribes but, in order to secure the contract to build the submarines, was giving out contracts! A report drafted by SDOE following allegations over bribes regarding the submarine contracts, sheds light on how these contracts were awarded and on the system of corruption. According to the report which is being published today by “E”, the German company requested that the contracts created by the offset clauses be awarded to specific companies. Among them are Intracom, owned by Sokratis Kokkalis, which appears to have participated in, Siemens aside, all the ‘major’ contracts. And all of this at the personal request of Defense Minister Akis Tsochatzopoulos [convicted and imprisoned on charges of corruption]. The SDOE report may have been forgotten but it continues to ‘talk.’



TO VIMA – Sunday

Fears over a major terrorist strike

Christodoulos [Xiros – the convicted terrorist who fled from police while on furlough], Maziotis [fugitive, accused for terrorist acts], “The Cells,” “Sechta,” [names of extreme left terrorist organizations]  the “Thief of Oreon,” are all thought to be acting together. 

TO CHONI – Sunday

Germany owes us 575 billion dollars

Only from the occupation loan and reparations without interest!

These are the realistic estimates of foreign economists of the amounts that were definitively awarded to Greece by a meeting of the Allied Powers in Paris. This amount does not include the theft perpetrated through the bank-notes that the occupiers forced Greece to buy, the seizing of 10% of Greece’s agricultural production, the personal claims of the victims of the monstrosities of the more than 100 Greek holocausts and their relatives ,or the destruction of archaeological treasures.
As the euro-elections approach, Greek lawyers are taking the initiative for there to be a referendum for the Greek people to finally decide whether we will seek the money Germany owes us, or if we will allow our lenders to continually wag their fingers at us and humiliate us internationally as supposed cheats.