Manufacturing consent
The Financial Times on Papandreou and the referendum

A revealing article in the FT which describes how George Papandreou, in an attempt to corner Antonis Samaras proposed the referendum at the Cannes summit, and the reactions of Nicolas Sarkozy and Angela Merkel, bringing to the surface the crucial issue of the undermining of democracy. As in how in the European Union, governments are manufactured with the placement of technocrats (Monti, Papademos) who are imposed by financial and other centers. EfSyn submits statements from intellectuals who have noted this important factor. There have been intense political reactions.

  • Jürgen Habermas – German philosopher and sociologist: “The central argument of democracy has been transferred to the secret meetings of European countries and banks.”
  • Guy Verhofstadt – Former Belgian Prime Minister: “When there are difficulties the technocrats take over. This amounts to a failure of democracy.”
  • Raffaele Simone – Italian philosopher: “Monti was sent from the financial powers in order to ‘bring order’ to Italy. This amounts to a severely distorted democracy.
  • Costanzo Preve – Italian philosopher: “It is the central problem. The tyranny of economists and the economy demands a revolution.”

Read TPPi’s coverage of the revealing FT article here.

Golden Dawn’s unknown pogrom in Athens

The supreme court report makes shocking revelations about the organization’s activity in Athens


How the murder of Manolis Kantaris was in May, 2011, was exploited.
The racist attacks which were launched over the next 4 days.
The plan and roles of Michaloliakos and Kasidiaris and the ‘executioners’.
The allegations of racist attacks are backed up by witness testimony and photographs. One person dead and 120 injured was the final reckoning. 

The tax office warns: automatic seizures from bank accounts over unpaid debts

The revenue service is becoming more aggressive with a new package of measures: from now on it will collect on expired tax payments with summary confiscations, sending an email to taxpayers every month in the event that they owe tax payments while it will be cross checking information constantly in order to find everything from cars that have not had road safety checks (KTEO) to income that became homes, cars and luxury lifestyles. 

Fall in construction continues in February

Construction activity continued to fall throughout the country in February. According to the Hellenic Statistical Authority, there was a drop of 20.7% in building permits compared with February 2013.

European Court of Human Rights awards 90 million euros in damages to Cyprus over ‘Attila’

The European Court of Human Rights demanded one of the largest compensation packages in its history yesterday from Turkey. According to the ruling, Ankara must pay the Cypriot government 90 million euros within the next three months in damages for the 1974 invasion.