Samaras: They want a political perversion

A scathing attack against Tsipras and an invitation to voters to choose stability

Antonis Samaras launched a scathing attack from Thessaloniki against Alexis Tsipras who he accused of attempting to turn the European elections into a referendum and “calling the people to take part in the political perversion.” Two days before the polls open for the first round of local elections and while the crucial European elections of the 25th of May are approaching, Mr Samaras is calling on voters to respond with their vote as to whether the choose stability of if they will reward the political maneuvering of the opposition leader.

Specifically at a rally in support of the candidates Giannis Ioannidis and Stavros Kalafatis, Mr Samaras stated, “I want to denounce to the Greek people, Mr Tsipras as a saboteur of the national effort. While the Europeans will elect representatives for the European Parliament, Mr Tsipras is calling on citizens to vote for the fall of the government.” Immediately afterwards the prime minister added that the SYRIZA president, “sees the elections as a destabilising lever” and predicted that citizens would respond in favour of a stable course for the country. 


There is another way for Greece and for Europe

A clash of two approaches: The politics of austerity and unemployment which is expressed by those on right and socialists, and the politics of development and social cohesion which is expressed by the Left.

Yesterday's debate between the candidates for the Presidency of the European Commission was revealing about the choices that European citizens have and what is at stake.
Jean-Claude Juncker of the Christian Democrats, Guy Verhofstadt (Liberals), Ska Keller (Greens) and Martin Schulz (of the Socialists) appeared as managers of the existing situation, defending the policy of iron-clad ‘fiscal discipline’ which translates to austerity, recession and unemployment. Opposed to these policies Alexis Tsipras presented the approach of the Left which seeks to do away with the causes and culprits for the crisis, which leads to growth through the ending of austerity and solving the problem of the debt, which puts an end to the profiteering of the banks, which deepens democracy and brings citizens into the heart of decision making. 


Thessaloniki to vote over its water

The day after tomorrow will see historic… triple elections for voters in Thessaloniki. They will decide whether for the next 50 years they will turn over the water that they, their children and their grandchildren drink to a multinational corporation working with local businessmen. 


George Papandreou to a ‘vulture’ capitalist: you made 500,000,000 and I lost.. my job!

George in Las Vegas. A surreal speech about the crisis (in a hotel-casino) from the man who bound Greece to the Memorandum: Europe is out of the woods but it is still raining. 


GDP trends show the road to development

Finance Ministry: hopes that the next quarter will see positive growth rates

The Finance Ministry considers that a reduction in negative growth rates in the first quarter of 2014 to -1.1%  heralds an imminent exit from the recession. According to the hopes of the Finance Ministry it is possible that in the third quarter of 2014 the economy could return to positive growth rates. The prerequisites however for an exit from the recession are: a.) a confirmation in practice of predictions for a growth in tourism this year and particularly in the third quarter, b.) a recovery of exports of goods which in the last few months have been falling, c.) an increase in revenue in shipping d.) an improvement in growth rates in the Eurozone and in third countries in the region which absorb the majority of Greek imports, e.) an increase in investments in the Greek economy, f.) an increase in private consumption which presupposes a reduction in unemployment and increases in income.