Prosecutor calls for conviction of two brothers in Karaivaz murder case

The prosecutor has called for the conviction of two brothers standing trial in the Mixed Jury Court for the murder of journalist Giorgos Karaivaz.
The Athens News Agency reported that the public prosecutor highlighted the connection between Karaivaz’s murder and his professional activities. Emphasising the findings of the case file, the prosecutor linked the killing to Karaivaz’s investigative work into organised crime.
“This is not a simple homicide; it is part of organised crime. Karaivaz was a police reporter with extensive knowledge about the workings of organised crime and various criminal organisations. His latest articles suggested he was on the verge of significant revelations, which might explain the motive for his murder, as no other motive is apparent,” the prosecutor stated.
The prosecutor’s proposal alleges that the younger brother, aged 41, was the one who shot Karaivaz multiple times, while his older brother, aged 49, acted as his direct accomplice.
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