An announcement shared on Rosa Nera’s social media earlier called for collective action: “Rosa again, for all the children! The Rosa Nera Occupation reopens as a Social Center of the local movement, and a free public space. Recapture now in Chania. A solidarity meeting is called for the Rosa Nera Occupation, we invite every struggling person today at 2:00 p.m. in the courtyard.”

Images shared alongside the post displayed the extent of the damage inflicted during the eviction by the police, depicting scenes of neglect and vandalism, attributed to what the occupiers describe as the ‘culture of Minister of Culture Mendoni, Belvedere, contractors, some archaeology sell-outs, and cops.’ These actors are blamed for a swath of destruction.

The reoccupation represents not just a reclaiming of physical space, but a defiant message against the forces that threaten such community hubs. “Rosa will bloom again, starting today,” declares the movement, signalling a fresh start and a recommitment to their cause of maintaining free and self-organised public spaces in Chania.


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