In response to these developments, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of North Macedonia has issued a statement underscoring the country’s commitment to its constitutional duties and international obligations, including the full observance of the Prespa Agreement with Greece. The agreement, which resolved a long-standing dispute by changing the country’s name to the Republic of North Macedonia, is crucial for maintaining good relations with neighbouring countries and advancing the nation’s Euro-Atlantic integration.

“The Ministry of Foreign Affairs confirms the country’s firm determination towards the unconditional fulfilment of the provisions of the Constitution and all the international obligations it has undertaken,” the statement read. It highlighted the significant progress in political dialogue, economic cooperation, and people-to-people relations between Greece and North Macedonia over the past seven years, contributing to North Macedonia’s NATO membership and the commencement of EU accession negotiations.

The ministry also emphasised the importance of adherence to the Euro-Atlantic path as a strategic interest essential for the country’s long-term security and stability. It called on all political actors, especially elected officials, to remain vigilant in upholding these commitments.

In a separate development, Acting Justice Minister Krenar Loga suggested that Silianovska’s swearing-in might be “invalid” due to her failure to use the constitutional name of the country. He proposed two potential resolutions: repeating the swearing-in process or having Jovan Mitrevski, the current President of the Parliament of North Macedonia, assume the presidential role.

Adding to the regional response, Bulgarian President Rumen Radev issued a statement reiterating Bulgaria’s expectation for North Macedonia to honour the 2017 Treaty of Friendship, Good Neighbourliness and Cooperation. “Bulgaria does not accept statements and behaviours that violate any treaty signed by the Republic of North Macedonia,” Radev stated, underscoring the significance of adhering to international agreements for North Macedonia’s European path.


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