In a recent post, in ‘t Veld commented on what she described as a “coup d’état” by Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis in ADAE. This follows the Greek government’s decision to change the composition of the Independent Authority, which resulted in a 4-3 vote against summoning the EYP commander for questioning.

“The wiretapping scandal has once again been swept under the carpet. Impunity for surveillance of journalists and politicians. Does the European Commission still think that it can rely on national authorities to support the rule of law in Europe?” in ‘t Veld asked pointedly.

The ADAE convened to decide whether to summon Themistocles Demiris, the commander of EYP, to explain why the intelligence service had refused to comply with a Council of Ministers decision to provide the Independent Authority with the file on the surveillance of Nikos Androulakis, a prominent politician and President of the PASOK – Movement for Change party.

Christos Rammos, president of ADAE, had proposed summoning Demiris to a hearing, a move permitted by the legal framework established by the Council of Europe. However, as reported by the newspaper “Ta Nea,” strong disagreements were voiced during the ADAE meeting. Ultimately, the authority voted 4-3 against calling the EYP commander to account.

The majority opinion referred Nikos Androulakis to the Compliance Council of the Council of Europe, where he plans to appeal against the non-implementation of the court decision regarding his surveillance.


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