“Thank you very much for these months. We are a party that has been through a lot since the double painful defeat last year. We went through two splits and a course of high volatility until we reached the single ballot that society chose. And that is why the members of SYRIZA should be proud of themselves,” said the president of SYRIZA.

“Although we were competing parties with huge debts and suspicious funds for advertising, consultants, and party expenses, we managed to reduce the difference from 23% to 13%,” he continued, regarding the election result.

“The alibi of 41% is now over. This is a choice of the Greek people, a choice made in an election process where the prime minister emphasised stability. The people have indicated that there is another choice. This is the first step for a party that evolves and changes on the fly. For a new leader who came with his purity to bring values.”

“I have no regrets. The Greek people have clearly given me the time to build an alternative government proposal, and that is exactly what I will do. We continue, we modernise, we will build cradles of knowledge and service. This movement, which has endured despite adverse conditions, has only one direction to go: up. I am proud of all of them,” added Mr. Kasselakis.

“Let’s not forget that we are in an electoral process that has turned things upside down. Something is wrong in Europe. We have a lot of work ahead of us. I am happy for the journey that has begun. We continue with the authenticity, the values of the Left, and a focus on the modern future we want to build for our country,” concluded the president of SYRIZA.


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