A report issued by the IMF’s Independent Evaluation Office (IEO) , mentions the mistakes that the Fund made during the first bailout/reform program concerning Greece. The head of the IMF, C.Lagarde repeated that “Greece is a special case”.
The IMF watchdog accused the IMF head director of being overly and unfoundedly biased for the Euro currency , a stance which “raised issues of accountability and transparency, which helped create the perception that the IMF treated Europe differently”.
The report claims that the overly positive attitude towards the Euro, caused the IMF to tale decisions which protected the main Eurozone structure while spreading the cost of the bailout on simple Greek citizens.
The head of the IMF, Christine Lagarde considers the programs issued and applied by Cyprus, Iceland and Portugal to be successful in opposition to what happened in the case of Greece. Greece is a “special case”.
Time to demand the immediate firing of Poul Thomsen. No ifs. No buts. Exit stage left. https://t.co/SftT4j2oWm
— Yanis Varoufakis (@yanisvaroufakis) July 28, 2016
Lagarde points that Greece did not manage to timely apply the program due to a series of political crises and vested interests. At the same time, she congratulates the country’s international lenders who supported in a stellar manner Greece during its fiscal reform.