The debate, launched by PASOK leader Nikos Androulakis on March 27, 2024, moves into its concluding day, having sparked considerable discussion and controversy in preceding sessions.

Key moments from the debate include contentious statements by Kostas Karamanlis and Minister of Justice G. Floridis. Floridis’s dismissal of opposition critiques of the Tempe tragedy as “left-wing fascism” sparked immediate backlash.

Syriza’s MP Sokratis Famellos responded by demanding accountability and apologies from the government. He highlighted their reluctance to confront allegations of evidence tampering. Famellos also criticised the Justice Minister’s dismissive language, labelling it more extreme than that of other right-wing politicians.

Course of Freedom MP Alexandros Kazamias condemned Floridis’s disparaging comments towards individuals scrutinising the accident’s management, likening his rhetoric to that of right-wing populism.

Karamanlis, in his speech, rejected accusations of seeking parliamentary immunity. He invoked the Mati wildfire tragedy to defend his position, a move seen as audacious by observers. His mention of “people’s courts” and claims of political exploitation underscored the heated nature of the debate.


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