Sever, attended the trial representing the EFJ, an umbrella organisation encompassing over 75 unions and associations with more than 300,000 members across Europe. “I’m here to represent the federation and many journalists around the world, to show our solidarity and support for the Karaivaz family, his colleagues, the journalistic society, and the rest of society,” Sever said.

Invited by the Journalists’ Union of the Athens Daily Newspapers (ΕΣΗΕΑ), Sever underlined the importance of the EFJ’s presence on the first day of the trial. “We want to show that we won’t give up, that we will stand by his family and journalists in Greece. We will follow this process and stick together to demonstrate that there is no impunity for those who harm journalists,” she asserted.

Sever stressed the need for accountability and the protection of journalists to ensure they can perform their vital role in upholding democracy. “There must be punishment and responsibility for a crime such as the murder of our colleague Giorgos Karaivaz. Journalists need to be protected to do their job, this is essential for every democracy.”

When asked if she believed Karaivaz was targeted specifically for his journalistic work, Sever was unequivocal. “Absolutely. From everything we have learned, read, and discussed with his family and colleagues, he was one of the most prominent journalists covering very important issues. There is no other plausible explanation,” she stated.


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