The case stems from an incident on the evening of April 1, when Kyriaki’s ex-partner fatally stabbed her in front of the Agioi Anargyroi police station. Moments before the attack, the 28-year-old had requested a patrol car for safe transport from the station to her home, only to be told by the officers on duty that no vehicle was available and dismissively by the patrol car driver that “the patrol car is not a taxi.”

The response of the police has been sharply criticised, especially in light of the attacker’s claims of memory loss and severe psychological issues, which Kyriaki’s father vehemently disputes. He expressed his anguish and scepticism about the killer’s defence: “Who’s insane? The guy who watched her house, driving by on his bike? Who managed to secretly follow my daughter being driven? Who reached the police station without even the officers noticing him? The whole crime was premeditated because he also had hidden the knife in his belt. Did you see his stride? Did you see how he pulled the knife? Who is he trying to fool? The judges? The police? The doctors? Myself? My daughter is now rotting in her grave while he’s claiming insanity. How is this possible?”

The case is further complicated as the family awaits the conclusion of assessments by three special advisors and an appointed psychiatrist, who are scheduled to meet with the perpetrator at the Korydallos prison psychiatric hospital. The evaluations are critical to understanding the psychological state of the attacker at the time of the crime.

The delays in the proceedings have added to the family’s grief, amplifying their calls for justice and accountability in a case that has deeply affected them and raised questions about the efficiency and empathy of law enforcement in handling such sensitive situations.


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