Anna Michelle Asimakopoulou appears to persist in violating relevant legislation and disregarding the rights of expats, according to Vassilis Sotiropoulos, a lawyer representing many of the emigrant plaintiffs.

In a detailed post, Sotiropoulos states:

“Unfortunately, MEP Ms. Anna-Michel Asimakopoulou has not yet complied with decision 16/2024 of the Personal Data Protection Authority, which fined her for the misuse of personal data from the 2023 electoral rolls of foreign residents.

As of today (04/06/2024), Ms. Asimakopoulou has responded to extrajudicial requests from emigrants seeking copies of their data. Not only has she failed to provide these copies, but she also claims to have ‘set in motion their destruction’ in accordance with the Authority’s decision. Therefore, the data has not been deleted yet.

Ms. Asimakopoulou’s standard response, dating back to 260/03/2024, merely informs the parties about the categories of data she holds. However, the interested parties I represent have requested copies of their data in the form she received and stored them. It is notable that Ms. Asimakopoulou’s responses continue to use the same emails of the emigrants, even though they have sent official extrajudicial statements via a bailiff. Despite there being a designated lawyer, to whom Ms. Asimakopoulou should address her responses, she continues to personally contact the expatriates using their emails.

Ms. Asimakopoulou has not provided copies to any of the hundreds of citizens who have exercised this right through extrajudicial statements. This right is clearly provided by Article 15, paragraph 3 of the GDPR, and it is extremely surprising that the MEP has not justified why she is avoiding this obligation.

Since the Authority’s decision on 27/05/2024, Ms. Asimakopoulou has not complied and continues to disregard the rights exercised against her. As a lawyer for the applicants, I am appalled by this disregard for rights, even after the sanction imposed. The lawsuits brought against her concern not only the unauthorised use of the data but also her failure to fulfil the obligation to grant copies.”

It is worth noting that a fine of €40,000 has been imposed on the former MEP and €400,000 on the Ministry of Foreign Affairs regarding this case.


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