The Steering Committee of the Plenary Assembly of the Presidents of the Bar Associations of Greece protests the fact that the legal profession was not involved in drafting the bill. They also criticize the rushed public consultation process, which took place during the holiday period and for a short duration, limiting meaningful participation.

The Committee emphasizes that the legal profession unequivocally condemns gender-based and domestic violence and actively supports women victims by providing legal aid, having signed relevant Cooperation Protocols with the competent state authorities to this end.

The Committee also criticizes new provisions to the Criminal Code and Code of Criminal Procedure, claiming they lack sufficient justification and fail to effectively incorporate EU Directive 2024/1385, and are clearly being promoted under the pressure of current events.

These provisions, they argue, risk violating fundamental legal principles and constitutional rights : they violate the presumption of innocence, the separation of powers, and the principle of proportionality, and create a risk of abusive use of the prescribed measures. Furthermore, they conflict with Articles 5, 6, and 25 of the Greek Constitution and Articles 5 and 6 of the European Convention on Human Rights.


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