Marakakis lamented the loss of crucial evidence, noting that if the soil had been preserved, it could have been illuminating for the investigation. He detailed how technical advisors could only access the site months later, by which time the area had been significantly altered. This hindered any possibility of conducting an effective forensic analysis or uncovering objective findings.

Highlighting the challenges faced by experts because of the site’s alteration, Marakakis emphasized the importance of examining one cubic meter of soil, which was removed and no longer available. He pointed out that such analysis could have led to different results and insights. He mentioned that the explosion, originating from the train’s underside and surpassing the bridge’s height, indicated the likely involvement of a flammable liquid.

Marakakis continued to express criticism towards the handling of the investigation. He revealed that when experts were finally given access, they discovered biological material and human remains within the train’s canteen car. If the responsible team had conducted a proper investigation, they would have found this evidence much earlier.

He questioned the authorities’ decision to allow access to the site to company executives currently facing felony charges. He also condemned the transfer of the excavated soil to a private lot, which was then restricted from further examination.

He stressed, “Removing the surrounding soil is either a grave oversight or raises serious suspicions. It’s criminal, moving soil from such a large area of land and taking it somewhere else. Specifically, to a private plot where you don’t provide any access. What was the motivation behind this? We found out this information by accident, no one came to report it. Can you see how flawed the investigation was in its initial stages?”


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