"Konstantinos Poulis from ThePressProject has been sued for 'online defamation' by the convicted of fatal bodily harm leading to the death of activist Zak Kostopoulos. The plaintiff is one of the two convicted, broker Athanasios Chortarias, who employs SLAPP tactics, that is, abusive lawsuits to silence journalists", reads a press release from DiEM25.

“The ‘insult’ lies in the use of the word ‘thug’ and, mostly, in the repetition in the title of Poulis’ article of the prosecutor’s words to the convicted Chortarias seeking the suspension of his sentence, that “maggots are feeding on the other one in his grave, however” the statement adds.

“The aims of the lawsuits are obvious: intimidate journalists and attempt to beautify the convicted perpetrator as ‘defendant protected by the presumption of innocence’, an extremely outrageous allegation for a convicted in two levels of court for fatal bodily harm,” notes DiEM25.

“As DiEM25 we stand with Konstantinos Poulis, we stand with every journalist who is subject to abusive lawsuits and claims simply because they are doing their job,” the press release concludes.

It is recalled that the convicted of fatal bodily harm to Zak Kostopoulos, Athanasios Chortarias, sent a complaint to the Prosecutor of the Criminal Court of Athens against the journalist and publisher of The Press Project, Konstantinos Poulis, for “online defamation”. A lawsuit was also filed by relatives of Athanasios Chortarias against the journalist Anna Nini.


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