The Greek news oulet reported that expert Vasilis Kokotsakis “admitted that the audio recordings with the video from the collision of the two trains involved in the Tempe tragedy, were the result of editing.”

The website propagated a misleading post from a user on X, where Kokotsakis’ statements were misinterpreted. Health Minister Adonis Georgiadis then shared the website’s publication.

Vasilis Kokotsakis stated in an interview with and journalist Paris Karvounopoulos that he is taking legal action against both the website and the minister.

In an interview with, he added: “It’s unbelievable. They claimed that the audio was a montage with voices of victims from traffic accidents! Meanwhile, the parents themselves recognized the voices of their children…”

He also explained: “The audio recordings were taken from the mobile phones of the train passengers, that were automatically activated when calling the emergency number 112 and transmitted what was happening on site. These recordings come from the judicial file. They are in the file, with their codes. Unless they want to tell us that the judge includes false information in the file…”

“Nothing was altered, not even the sound. All we did was match the voices with the images of the collision. I understand that some people may be offended, but there are limits.”

“We submitted to Greek judicial authorities among other things, a document that proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that many train passengers who survived the collision were burned alive due to the ignition of flammable and illegally transported chemical solvents (hydrocarbons).”


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