The investigation, according to the Network, aims to impose penalties and stifle resistance within the ranks, particularly the opposition to Greece’s involvement in what the Spartakos Network describes as the “genocidal war” being waged by Israel against Palestine and Lebanon. The group further claims that the Greek state’s Defense and Security forces are complicit in spreading the war in the Middle East, advancing the expansionist goals of “Greater Israel” and the imperialist ambitions of the United States.

“The government’s promotion of colossal military expenditures and the propaganda spearheaded by Defense Minister Nikos Dendias, revolving around the so-called ‘new Greek army’ and Agenda 2030, is designed to conceal the regime’s fears,” the Spartakos Network added. These fears, it says, include youth refusing military service, the wave of resignations among contracted soldiers and officers, and growing resistance within the ranks of soldiers and permanent personnel to the government’s military policies.

The Spartakos Network stands in solidarity with Syrgouniotis and demands that the rights of soldiers in uniform be respected. “A soldier is a democratic citizen with both the right and duty to have an opinion and express it. We are not expendable for the interests of Greek businessmen, the Americans, the EU, and NATO,” the statement reads. The group calls for an end to the war alliances with the USA, France, and Israel, and demands that Greece withdraw its troops, frigates, and all military assets deployed abroad.

“We will not be complicit in the refugee crises caused by the dirty wars involving the Greek bourgeois state,” the statement concludes.


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