Two years ago, after enduring domestic violence, a woman recounted to Mega Channel her attempt to seek help from the same police station where a recent femicide occurred. She described being dismissed by an officer despite her visible injuries. “I was badly bruised. He said I couldn’t file a report right away due to another ongoing process. When I confirmed the assault, his response was, ‘You better leave and come back with a lawyer,'” she shared, highlighting the station’s apparent disregard for her situation.

Returning the next day for help, the woman faced another dismissive officer at the station, repeating her previous day’s despair. “I was told to wait hours because the officer was absent again and I never made it inside,” she stated. She emphasised the urgent need for legislative changes to prevent further tragedies, revealing her subsequent pursuit of legal action. “It’s been incredibly tough, and even now, speaking up brings back those moments when my pleas for help were ignored,” she reflected, spurred by recent events to revisit her own ordeal.


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