In an interview on SKAI radio, Terezakis conveyed uncertainty over whether parts of the conversation might have been selectively omitted, raising questions about the motivations and identities of those behind these edits. He stressed the organisation’s commitment to transparency, highlighting that OSE has consistently made available audio recordings, contact details, and other pertinent information to the investigative authorities for scrutiny.

Terezakis called for the journalists behind the report to clarify their methodology, including any edits made, their sources, and the reasons behind such decisions. He firmly stated that OSE had no motive to manipulate or withhold information from the dialogue.

Further emphasising the organisation’s openness, Terezakis noted that management had complied with requests to access and review emails and communication details to dispel any confusion regarding the dissemination of the material in question. This statement comes amid heightened attention to the management and handling of critical information within OSE, as the investigation into the tragic Tempe incident continues.

In a discussion with Mega channel, the managing director of the OSE revealed that four employees had access to the contentious material. This access was part of a deliberate effort on March 1, 2023, to circulate the material among four officials within OSE for review. He assured that the material was not tampered with while under OSE’s custody. Initially slated for delivery to the Judicial Authorities on March 2, the handover was postponed to March 3 due to a request for further information. The transfer was facilitated by an OSE vehicle and executed by a member of the organisation, emphasising the procedural integrity maintained throughout the process.

The admission by Terezakis has prompted SYRIZA to raise pressing questions regarding the integrity of the audio documents: the circumstances under which they were leaked, the identities of the recipients, the parties responsible for any falsification, and the motivations behind such actions. This inquiry underscores the party’s concerns about the transparency and accountability of the handling of these documents, reflecting broader apprehensions about surveillance and information manipulation within the state apparatus.

SYRIZA has highlighted the significance of the OSE managing director’s acknowledgment of edited dialogues in the Tempe incident, viewing it as a reaffirmation of the concerns they’ve consistently voiced against the Mitsotakis government’s propensity for obfuscation. The party interprets this admission as a validation of their scepticism towards the official handling of the case, suggesting a deliberate manipulation aimed at shaping a narrative of “human error”.


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