Germans make a final plan for Greece’s debt amid revelations of betrayal from IMF minutes; Jacques Delors, former president of the EU Commission, talks about Greece’s mistakes; Golden Dawn is rebranding itself; fears that pre-election maneuvering is harming Greece’s recovery; and prosecutors turn up the pressure on military officials in the bribes scandal. Image credit: FosPhotos / Panayiotis Tzamaros

TA NEA (Monday)

A Promise:

A final solution for Greek debt in April

Schauble spoke of an additional 10-20 billion worth of funding with no new Memorandum. The German side is preparing a plan to manage Greek debt due in April – as soon as GReece’s primary budget surplus is confirmed.

And a revelation:

The Franco-German trick with Greek bonds

IMF minutes reveal French and German lies over Greek bonds. Promises which were never kept – that is that they would hold on to Greek bonds – were made in May 2010 by France and Germany.




Election cycle threatening the economy

  • Tsipras’s move to give the European Parliament elections the air of a referendum prompted Antonis Samaras to describe Syriza as “high-risk”.
  • Structural reforms are put on ice due to fears of voter reactions. Ministers are pitted against ministers over OECD recommendations.
  • The pre-election climate is an added obstacle to an agreement with the troika. A secret meeting is held in the margins of the Eurogroup summit over intense fears regarding toika negotiations.
  • Tranches worth 11 billion are up in the air. Finance Ministry sends message of reciprocal climb-downs.
  • Draft legislation for bank recapitalisation is put on hold.


“Golden Dawn” re-branded ‘National Dawn’

Neonazis change their name but not their beliefs. Who is the head of the ‘alternative’ party Stavros Krikos who posted on Facebook, “New  Democrats, bastards, lynchings are coming.”


Jacques Delors Interview: Your entry into the euro should have been delayed by 2-3 years; you are paying for your politicians’ mistakes

Greece should have waited another two or three years before adopting the single currency according to an interview given to “K” today by former European Commission President Jacques Delors. And when asked why Greece ended up in the situation it is in today he was categorical saying, “We must make note of a truth that is self-evident even if it is not nice to hear. When the government behaves foolishly or tolerates foolishness, unfortunately that has a cost which in the end is paid by the people.”




The ‘father’, the ‘son’ and the holy bribes

Public prosecutors are ready for anything

Eleni Raikou: We will imprison 15 generals if they don’t tell us who was giving and who was taking.

Gavril Mallis: Bring back the stolen money to be absolved and for the poor to survive

How a colonel became a deputy minister for New Democracy and how the officers under investigation traded positions to control defense procurement contracts.