New bundle of measures is a Tower Of Babel / Confusion, friction and ruses
Brussels offers reassurance there will be no new measures, but there is €2 billion fiscal gap.

Greek ministers changing their minds again and again, as to further cuts to pensions.

Merkel to Greek government: We support you.


“Your turn is coming” / Revelatory conversation between minister’s representative and academic staff
Education minister’s advisor confessed that 30.000 university staff will be moved to a labour mobility pool in 2014 [on lower pay and with the prospect of being made redundant].


Troika: shut down EAS [Hellenic Defensive Systems] and ELVO [Hellenic Vehicles Industry]
The Greek government requests 24 months extension to implement program [of closing down state-owned defense industries]


Golden Dawn: Greek Parliament suspends its funding
Greek parliament voted to suspend funding to parliamentary parties the members of which are involved in criminal cases.


Retirement age limit rises again
On top of further cuts to pensions, the government plans another rise of the retirement age limit – the third one in the bailout era, affecting 350,000 employees.