In a significant development, the investigation into the Tempe train disaster has intensified, especially around the location known as “Pigadia,” a few kilometres from the original accident site. Antonis Tsolnaras reports on that the focus on this area increased following requests from victims’ relatives, leading to the discovery of bone remains among the debris. The findings followed a thorough examination using specialised soil sampling tools and the assistance of the Anubis team with their trained dogs.

More than 12 new soil samples were taken using corers to ensure the comprehensive collection of evidence. These latest findings, deemed crucial, have been sent to specialised laboratories in Athens for DNA identification, with results anticipated soon.

Maria Chatjikonstantinou, representing the families, noted that these developments might lead to significant changes in the legal proceedings. She suggested that the charges could escalate from negligent to intentional homicide based on the outcomes of these extended investigations. “Forensic experts and technical consultants did not limit themselves to simple sampling but conducted a thorough examination of large-volume soil cubes,” Chatjikonstantinou stated, emphasising the meticulous nature of the ongoing inquiries.

The investigations have also extended to include a check on trees at the accident site, as part of a broader effort to gather and analyse all potential evidence. This meticulous approach aims to uncover every possible detail that could shed light on the circumstances surrounding the tragedy.

Additionally, ongoing site examinations at the “Pigadia” location involve the comprehensive screening of materials previously transferred from the crash site. This includes scrutinising the entire volume of materials for any evidence, a process that continues to unfold under the watchful eyes of 111 attorneys and various experts.


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